Real Life Success

Brianan McEnteggart – Ireland’s Greatest Loser 2013

Brianan-McEnteggart-2We’re currently running our Greatest Loser 2014 competitions, and this is just a quick look back to Ireland’s Greatest Loser 2013, Brianan McEnteggart.

Brianan joined Slimming World at the age of 27, at a weight of 32 st 11lbs. She’s now at her target weight after losing nearly 20 stones, bringing her into a weight of under 13 stone, and now fits into size 14 clothes.

What’s more – Brianan had an extra bonus from losing her weight – she found love.

Brianan said: “In the past I didn’t have the confidence to meet anyone but things have changed over the past few months and I am really happy now.

“My boyfriend is called Keith and he is from Dundalk too. He’s a Slimming World member – he goes to a different group in Carrickmacross – and he’d actually heard my story before we even met.

“We met each other on a random night out and he recognised me as the girl who was Ireland’s Greatest Loser.

“Things took off from there and we’ve been seeing each other for just over six months now.”

This new romance is just one of the ways Brianan’s life has changed dramatically.

She revealed: “I am now at a healthy BMI and although I am still quite shy, my confidence has been growing bit by bit.

“I am definitely happier in myself too – I have a new job as well as seeing Keith so everything is falling into place.

“In the past I was too nervous even to go for job interviews – I spent a lot of time hiding myself away because of my weight – but that has completely changed and I now have the job I want.”

Source: Irish Mirror
Images (c) Mirror Group Newspapers

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SWStretford provides a range of information about the Slimming World plan. The webpage was previously where a local Slimming World Consultant in Stretford, Manchester would post updates.