Special Offers

Slimming World’s Little Book of Light Bites FREE with a 12 Week Countdown

10271593_322575044558406_76049420851137846_nSlimming World’s Little Book of Light Bites launches in May 2014 and as an added bonus, between 26 May 2014 and 14 June 2014, you can get a free copy of the Little Book of Light Bites (worth £3.95) when you buy a 12 week countdown.

12 week countdown is designed to strengthen your commitment over a 3 month period, meaning you’re dedicated to keeping on track – especially over the summer months. As an extra bonus, you’ll get 2 weeks membership to Slimming World free when you buy a 12 week countdown – meaning you only pay for 10 weeks in total in advance.

That means that for £49.50, you’ll get 12 weeks for the price of 12 (saving £9.90) and a free copy of Slimming World’s Little Book of Light Bites (£3.95) – a total saving of £13!)

The book is full of more than 60 tasty nibbles with nearly all of them free on Extra Easy days.

  • Quick fixers: ready in 10 minutes or less with no cooking required – such as Asian prawn boats, pastrami salad wraps and ploughman’s on a stick
  • Deeply dippysyn-free salmon pate, speedy houmous and zippy tzatziki – perfect for dipping your vegetable sticks
  • Make-ahead meaty (and fishy favourites too): curried chicken drumsticks, Spanish meatballs and turkey and bacon ranch wraps
  • Make-ahead veggie: Caribbean rice salad, chilli sweetcorn cobettes and mini jacket potatoes, with ideas for tempting toppings too

And for when only something sweet will do…

  • Sweet savers: from tropical fruit kebabs, mojito ice lollies and zesty mini-trifles


This book isn’t available online. Please note this page in regards to eBay sales.



SWStretford provides a range of information about the Slimming World plan. The webpage was previously where a local Slimming World Consultant in Stretford, Manchester would post updates.