Food Talk

Mug Shots – Syn Free Varieties (Mugshots)


Updated 12 December 2017 – The article below was initially published in August 2013. Slimming World announced today (12 December 2017) that Mug Shots would now have Syn values, listed below.

If you’re a Slimming World member, you’ll have heard of Mug Shots (or Mugshots) – made by a company called Symingtons in Leeds, they are a great quick pasta snack for times when hunger hits and you fancy something tasty – the best part is that a number of them are Syn Free with Slimming World, so you’re able to eat them knowing you’re on track with your weight loss.

There’s a few new flavours which have been released, and some are in the picture attached.

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Syn Values for Symingtons Mug Shots

My opinion – Mugshots

I’ve only tried 4 of the flavours in the picture attached, and so there’s still another one to go for (Mediterranean Style) – however the others are very tasty. The BBQ Beef flavour didn’t replicate that of my old high-school favourite Pot Noodle, but it wasn’t bad – you could also taste a hint of beef in there, but I would try again.

The Peri-Peri flavour was a little spicy for me – it did have a nice kick but I think having this out of a mug with some chopped up cooked chicken would be a great idea.

Chinese Style – not my taste unfortunately. it has a lot of small bits of veg in, and smelled nice, but I didn’t like the flavour at all. I’m very particular with Chinese food, so this could be why.

Spicy flavour – this one is gorgeous and something which I have nearly every day – it’s so tasty and slightly spicy (not too much) and tastes great when enjoying with a sandwich at the side – it’s just very flavoursome and hits the spot every time!

All of the flavours are available in major supermarkets (Sainsburys only seem to have the BBQ Beef flavour).

NOTE: Although the same product is available within cheaper stores (e.g. B&M Bargains, Quality Save, etc), the packaging is different. Due to the product being produced at a lower cost, there are syn values with some of these, therefore you should check on the Online Syn directory (free for members) or check out our Facebook group for details of the syn values.

Mug Shots Gallery




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