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Slimming World to retire Green and Original Plans at end of November 2015

headerBack in 2009, Slimming World introduced ‘Extra Easy‘ which brought together the Original (Red) and Green Days into a simple and easy to follow healthy eating plan.

As a result of the success of the plan over the past 6 years, with members losing incredible amounts of weight, the company has decided to remove both Original (red) Days and Green Days from publications, both online and in books.

The reason behind this is to avoid confusion for new members as Green and Original have not been visible in publications for some time, however older references to these can seem confusing with several other plans being shown. Instead, all Syn values online which refer to the older plans are being removed on 30 November 2015.

Future publications of Slimming World books will also be removing references to the legacy plans.

In a survey of members taken in 2015, it was found that only 4% of members followed the Green plan, and 1% followed Original only. As the majority of members followed the Extra Easy plan, Slimming World is going to focus on this key plan which has helped many members reach their target weight.

Changing to Extra Easy is simple – it’s available to all members who previously followed the Green or Original plans, and it’s very simple to follow. If you’d like an overview, you can access a video on Lifeline Online, or in group in the ‘new member talks’ which existing members are also welcome to take part in.




SWStretford provides a range of information about the Slimming World plan. The webpage was previously where a local Slimming World Consultant in Stretford, Manchester would post updates.