Food Talk

Porky Lights – Syn value change

Announcement from Slimming World:


The Food Co-ordination team at Slimming World Head Office has done some analysis on Porky Lights sausages, after becoming a little concerned about their fatty (albeit delicious!) texture.

The analysis showed that the sausages were indeed much higher in fat than the nutrition panel indicated – and this does affect their Syn value significantly.

We’ve been in touch with Porky Lights to let them know our findings, and they’re looking into it as we speak.

To help protect your weight loss until we have accurate nutritional information to use as a base for our calculations, the sausages have been temporarily removed from Syns Online, the App and Weight Loss Planner’s Syns search and on the Syns Hotline.

In the meantime, if you have a pack of Porky Lights in your fridge/freezer, we’d recommend you count 4½ Syns per sausage.

We’ll be in touch with more news – through your Consultant – once we have it.


Feel free to share other fab Free or low-Syn alternatives (and there are loads!), or plan how you can include these extra Syns (if that’s what you’d prefer) to your Food Optimising week!



SWStretford provides a range of information about the Slimming World plan. The webpage was previously where a local Slimming World Consultant in Stretford, Manchester would post updates.